New breakout board compatible with Adafruit Feather

25th November 2019

With the new breakout board NeoCortec has made it much easier to build a proof-of-concept, as the board is designed to fit into the Adafruit Feather eco system, and to integrate with the Adafruit Feather microcontrollers.


NeoCortec is releasing a new breakout board compatible with the Adafruit Feather series of development boards. The Adafruit Feather development boards are supporting the Arduino development environment, making them very easy for developers to work with.

With the new breakout board NeoCortec has made it much easier to build a proof-of-concept, as the board is designed to fit into the Adafruit Feather eco system, and to integrate with the Adafruit Feather microcontrollers.

This opens up even more possibilities to integrate the NeoMesh wireless radio modules in an application and to utilize the strong features of the technology, which are:

— Some of the smallest radio modules in the marketplace

— The protocol stack automatically forms an agile network; just attach an antenna and power on

— The network handles topology changes dynamically, and new nodes connect automatically to the network

— The patented NeoMesh routing mechanism routes data seamlessly through the network

— Ultra low energy consumption, battery lifespans of several years

— Extreme scalability, allowing for up to 64K nodes in one network


As an example, NeoCortec has integrated its gateway software with the Adafruit Feather ESP-32 WiFi device. This allows developers to do a low cost gateway design, which can bridge effortlessly between the low-power mesh network and an IP based network, or your preferred Cloud solution.

The breakout board can also be used “stand-alone” i.e. without an Adafruit Feather base board. This allows you to easily interface the NeoMesh module with a sensor, actuator or a non-Feather based microcontroller. All-in-in all the new breakout board allows for rapid prototyping and short time to market.

Demo video

To demonstrate how to provide a full connectivity solution from sensor to cloud, and back again, Neocortec has produced a short Application Demo Video.

To watch the video visit the NeoCortec Get Started webpage:

The demo in the 4-minute video is using 2 NeoCortec NC1000 Featherwing breakout boards for regulating the temperature of a large aluminium heatsink, while connecting to a cloud service provided by AllThingsTalk to display measured temperatures and device status.

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