
We make your device smart – NeoMesh sensor modules integrated into smart fridge concept from Endrich Bauelemente

According to a recent report by Statista, global expenditure on Internet of Things (IoT) products reached 805 billion US dollars in 2023, with further growth anticipated in the following years. Endrich Bauelemente GmbH, NeoCortec’s German distributor, has been actively involved in the development of smart IoT-related products, such as a concept for a smart fridge, […]

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Ad hoc Indoor Air Quality and people density network demonstrates ease of IOT

By Cato Fagermo, NeoCortec Background In measuring something in a building – whether it is an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) or occupancy, or if you want to control something e.g. such as smart thermostatic valves, you need to be able to communicate data between those devices and a controller/gateway. However, this is not as easy […]

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Danfoss radiator valve modification project demonstrates effectiveness of NeoMesh wireless mesh networking technology in smart buildings

By Cato Fagermo, NeoCortec Smart Thermostatic radiator valves (eTRV) present an excellent opportunity to implement smart buildings. By including a sensor and wireless network link within the eTRV, the temperature of a room can be monitored and controlled automatically from a central location. This makes it possible to reduce the temperature in the rooms without […]

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Wireless network experiments at trade shows prove simplicity and efficacy of NeoMesh Installation

At two recent major trade shows, Electronica 2022 and Embedded World 2023, NeoCortec set up NeoMesh wireless networks in the exhibition halls, aiming to demonstrate to visitors how easy it is to deploy battery-powered NeoMesh-enabled sensors with no requirement for prior network planning or complicated configurations. Neocortec’s NeoMesh wireless network solution offers great advantages of […]

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Smart Buildings simplified with self-governing wireless network

Think of Smart Buildings and you probably picture brand-new offices equipped with all the latest innovations in building automation. But conventional, low-tech buildings can also benefit from smart technology, thanks to advances in IoT and wireless communication. With NeoCortec network technology you can upgrade your building with a large sensor network in just a few […]

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Micro Technic

Customer Case: Mesh network connectivity: ‘limitless’ scalability, ultra-low power, minimized installed cost

Danish company, Micro Technic, is using NeoMesh from NeoCortec to add massively-scalable, low power wireless networking capabilities to its Skylark PRO/SECURE+ range of industrial datalogger products in wide-ranging applications A specialist in Design-for-Manufacturing (DFM), Micro Technic designs IoT solutions for a sustainable world in collaboration with its customers. Originally – and still – a company […]

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