Swedish company Perific has launched Enegic Meshure, a new system for monitoring temperature and humidity in buildings, based on connectivity provided by NeoCortec. The system is being tested in a number of churches.
Perific specializes in IoT and Smart Home solutions, among other things as a sub-contractor developing Vattenfall’s range of Smart Home devices controlling heating and energy consumption. Also, Perific develops their own range of solutions for energy efficiency and monitoring. As an example, Enegic Solar helps owners of private homes equipped with solar panels measure energy production and consumption in real-time. Another Perific product, Enegic Monitor, measures and visualizes power consumption in private homes, to help improve load balancing and energy efficiency.
In-detail monitoring of buildings
Perific’s Enegic Meshure solution is designed for buildings in need of detailed temperature and humidity monitoring. Small 70 mm x 35 mm wireless battery-driven sensors send measurement data via the NeoMesh technology to a base station forwarding the data to a server for processing and visualization. The Enegic Meshure app collects all data and displays it, so that the user can see how temperature and humidity evolves over time. The app also contains a mold graph showing the relationship between temperature and humidity displaying the mold risk in certain areas covered by a specific sensor.
Enegic Meshure has been deployed in a number of churches in the Stockholm suburb of Solna.
Cabled systems with disadvantages
– Since ten years back we are in the business of developing measuring and controlling equipment, says Perific CEO Tomas Öquist.
– In that domain we also have the need for measuring temperature and humidity, and we’ve done that in products we have developed together with Vattenfall. They were wifi-based sensors, but these products had some disadvantages, such as power consumption of the wifi connection. We needed to make them battery powered, because we simply could not run cables to all the measuring units. When we learned about the NeoCortec technology we could see the benefits of having something with very low power consumption and long battery life. After some test development we decided to provide a product line based on the NeoCortec modules.
Suited for larger buildings
According to Tomas Öquist the products in the Perific product line are not targeted at any specific niche, as he sees the need for detailed monitoring in many areas. But when it comes to Enegic Meshure he finds it best suited for larger buildings.
– Among other things, you have the advantage of the scaling effect of the NeoCortec system. You can put a lot of sensors out and they are conveniently talking to each other in a good way.
– For instance we have done a lot of work with churches. There you have critical things in the building that you need to keep track of, for instance pipe organs. It is important not to get any moisture into the structure of the organ.
Stockholm churches
– We have a test site using Enegic Meshure up and running in a number of churches in Solna here in Stockholm. We are testing both the range of the modules, the actual power consumption, and the capability of meshing in that particular setting. Churches are very delicate and difficult buildings, for instance because of the wall sizes. A wall size of maybe two meters is a good test for the meshing technology, to see if it actually can pass information between the different nodes.
– We have our old wifi-based equipment running in a lot of churches, about 30 of them, in Gotland. Soon we hope to convince our customers there to switch to the new Enegic Meshure solution.
Ideal connectivity
Tomas Öquist finds the connectivity provided by NeoMesh to be ideal for temperature and humidity monitoring:
– The other products we have developed are for measuring power consumption. For that we need to transmit a lot of data. We need a wifi-connection to put the data through, so NeoMesh is not suited for that purpose. But when it comes to temperature, humidity, and other kinds of low-frequent update information, there is a perfect match.
– We see our products as a portfolio that you can combine for different purposes. You may do something to bring down your power consumption for heating for instance. But then it is very important that you have full control over your humidity in critical places so you do not jeopardize the building and what is inside it. It is a combination of trying to save power and to keep track of temperature and humidity.
– All our products are communicating into the same platform, and that allows you to combine the data. You can build rules and alarms and triggers based on the information flow.