The unique NEOCORTEC ultra low power Ad- Hoc Wireless Mesh Networking Protocol is offered for both 2.4GHz as well as sub 1GHz frequency bands in a series of pre-approved modules. The modules are well suited for a broad range of applications, cost efficient and easy to integrate into the target product. The modules share the same footprint, which means that the target product does not need to change to support that full range of frequency bands.
Ultra low power consumption – the exact current consumption is given by Protocol Settings. The expected average current consumption can be calculated using the Configuration tool provided.
W 11 mm, L 18 mm, H 2,6 mm
NC1000C-9 has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Available in 100 pcs tray or tape and reel.